MYTEK LAB is the Technology Education Your Kids Need

Get the technology education your kids need with engaging, hands-on coding classes with MYTEK LAB.

Do you feel sometimes that technology is moving at such a rapid pace that it’s hard to keep up? It’s becoming a necessity for our kids to have computer education. But how do you teach them technology skills when you yourself may still be learning?

You find someone to help you teach, of course!

Get Technology Education for Your Kids with Mytek Lab

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for MYTEK LAB. I received free access to the product and was compensated for my time. I am not required to give a positive review and all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure for more information.

My oldest son loves to figure out how things work. He was the four-year-old taking apart a clock to see what’s inside. Since discovering Minecraft years ago, he enjoys creating huge cities. I sometimes wonder if he will end up choosing a career in technology.

So when I found out about MYTEK LAB online technology classes, I knew they’d be perfect for him. Many times when homeschoolers choose homeschool curriculum, we consider what to use for math, history, or science. Technology education doesn’t always seem to be at the top of the list. However, we all know that technology isn’t going anywhere. It’s important for kids to be proficient in computer skills, as well as math and grammar.

MYTEK LAB Offers Technology Education for Homeschoolers

However, even though kids need a basic knowledge of technology, not all parents feel confident in their ability to teach this particular aspect of education. Many of us have just been trying to keep up with ever-developing technology ourselves.

That’s why it’s so great that online technology classes from MYTEK LAB are available! Your kids can receive the technology education they need from instructors who are knowledgeable in that area. Instructors who also know which computer skills to teach. They offer a variety of classes for kids in 3rd-12th grades. These classes are perfect for those who need a computer education credit for high school.

boy watching online technology class

What You Should Know about MYTEK LAB Online Education

  • The classes are designed for kids in grades 3-12.
  • Courses are available for beginners and those with more advanced coding skills. Level 1 classes introduce basic programming skills, including internet safety, pixel art, and block coding. Level 2 classes build on those skills and develop actual coding.
  • A full year course can be used to earn computer education credit.
  • Lessons are available live and also recorded for those who can’t attend a live class.
  • Weekly live help sessions are offered to all students with questions each week.
  • Email reminders are sent each week before the live help session and before class. Emails are also sent once that week’s recorded class is available.
example of skill learned in coding class

Your Kids Will Love the Amazing Online Technology Classes

My 7th grade son has been attending the TEKnology Lab level 1 classes offered through MYTEK LAB for a few months. It’s easy to say that they are the highlight of his week! Prior to these courses, he had no coding experience. Now? He’s creating chairs that move from nothing. I’m truly amazed at the skills he’s developed so quickly.

Wonderful Support and Encouragement

The MYTEK LAB classes are so encouraging. The focus is definitely on helping children learn computer programming in a positive manner. My son loves attending the classes. He also voluntarily works on additional projects on his own because he enjoys it so much. In addition, anytime my son has a question, he knows he can simply email his instructor and receive guidance.

In fact, one particular lesson was confusing for my son. He just couldn’t figure out how to do a certain aspect of it. He took the initiative to email his instructor for help. However, even after getting a reply my son was still confused. The next response he received was a video reply. The instructor sent a video showing my son exactly how to set up the part giving him difficulty. He was so impressed that the instructor spent time making the video for him just so he’d understand the concept.

Not only that, the instructors have a weekly live help session. They encourage children to attend and ask any questions they have. The live help session continues until every student’s questions are answered. The instructors try so hard to help every child develop technology skills.

Positive Peer Feedback

My son also loves to check out the community area where kids submit their completed projects. Classmates can like and comment on them. My son loves the positive peer feedback he receives, and enjoys seeing how many kids like his work. He also loves to go through the projects of other kids, liking them and offering his own positive comments. Seeing the work from other classmates has inspired him to go beyond each lesson’s assignment and continue honing his programming skills. It’s so wonderful to see his creativity flourish in this program.

boy working on computer programming project

Benefits of MYTEK LAB Online Coding Classes

  • Children receive amazing support from both instructors and peers. Instructors comment on weekly assignments and, along with peers, comment on shared projects.
  • Classes are engaging and hands-on. Two screens are encouraged, though not required, for children who want to work on a project while also watching the corresponding lesson.
  • Lessons are designed for children with no previous technology education up to children with advanced coding skills. The lessons continue to build on previous learning and encourage children to develop technology skills.
  • Many opportunities exist to help children who are struggling. Kids can email instructors personally for extra help. They are also encouraged to attend weekly live help sessions to ask questions and receive guidance.
  • Parents receive weekly email communication regarding classes. Reminder emails are sent before help sessions and live lessons. Emails are also sent to notify parents when recorded lessons are accessible.

Give the Online Technology Classes with MYTEK LAB a Try

If you’ve been wanting to add technology education to your homeschool, then you’ll want to head over to MYTEK LAB and setup a parent account now.

boy doing computer programming

Technology education is important for kids to learn, especially as they reach middle and high school. Luckily, MYTEK LAB can help with online technology classes for beginners on up. Interesting and engaging classes encourage children to develop programming and coding skills. Sign up and see your child’s technology skills flourish!

Hi, I’m Christy!

I’m a homeschooling mom of 4, from preschool to high school. Homeschooling can be overwhelming, but I believe you can simplify your homeschool day so it’s manageable and enjoyable. When you join the Homeschooling in Progress community, you’ll learn ways to simplify your homeschool through emailed tips PLUS receive 5 Easy Steps to Create a Simple Routine for Productive Homeschool Days guide so you can start simplifying your homeschool today!

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