free typing games

Fun and Free Typing Games Your Kids Will Love to Play

August 06, 20204 min read

Make learning to type fun with these free typing games your kids will love! Boost their skills while keeping them engaged and entertained with exciting, interactive activities.

free typing games

Disclosure: I was compensated for my time in exchange for an honest review from KidzType. I was not required to give a positive review and all opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Learning how to type correctly is an important skill for kids to learn. Kids learn best through play. So why not combine the two and teach kids how to type with fun typing games!

Let’s face it. Computers are here to stay. Chances are kids will need to have effective computer skills for future careers. Learning how to touch type, or type without looking at the keyboard, is an almost necessary skill nowadays.

But you purposely keep your homeschool day simple so it’s manageable. How can you fit in yet another skill to learn without making your day overwhelming?

You do it with fun typing games!

As my kids started using computers more, I began noticing that they weren’t very effective at typing. They did quite a bit of the “hunt and peck” kind of typing, which definitely slows them down when working.

I knew they needed to learn how to type, but I work hard to keep our homeschool day routine simple and manageable. So I knew I needed something easy to use, but also something that my kids would enjoy. Plus, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on a typing program.

Luckily I found something that fits all of those requirements!

free typing games

Free Typing Practice and Games for Kids

KidzType is the program I found. It’s a website that teaches kids to touch type by using fun cartoon characters and games. It’s very user friendly and free! This is definitely a site you’ll want to visit often, so go check them out now and bookmark the page!

The main part of the program is dance mat typing lessons. These lessons cover 4 different levels of difficulty with 3 stages in each level. The first stage of level 1 focuses on the home row. Kids are shown a colorful keyboard on the screen with the letters they are supposed to type in a line above it.

After each game, results for speed, accuracy, and time are given. Kids are then able to practice again or choose another game or level. Each level builds on the previous one.

KidzType not only has the dance mat typing practice, but it also has many additional typing practice games! My kids especially like the car racing and ninja games. I will say from experience that they are very fun to play, even as an adult!

free typing games

What We Like about KidzType

KidzType is a fabulous way to teach your kids touch typing. The games are user friendly and include a good variety of interests for kids of different ages. The only negative I found was that the site, being free, has ads. However, my kids have a Chromebook to use for their online learning. So instead of the ad showing up on their screen, it’s a link to ask permission to visit the site.

KidzType is a great program to try for several reasons:

  • The cost is perfect…it’s free.

  • My kids love the fun typing games.

  • The program is so easy to use that my kids can work independently on it. It fits in well during their afternoon quiet time.

  • I don’t have to add any more teaching to my day. My kids learn through the fun games and practices.

  • No planning is required. My kids can just choose a game they’d like to play or the next level.

  • Along with typing, my kids learn other important skills like hand-eye coordination and how to sit properly at a computer. Plus, some of the games include spelling and vocabulary in them.

free typing games

More Typing Practice for Kids

Not only is KidzType a great program to learn touch typing, but it also has a sister site, TypeDojo. Using TypeDojo’s typing tests is a great way to see your child’s progress in typing skills after they play the free typing games on KidzType.

TypeDojo is a more basic typing website that also offers typing practice for kids. This site doesn’t have the animated characters that KidzType has, although there is a link to the same typing games found on KidzType. However, the more basic lessons are perfect for older children who may not want to play the animated games. Children who are easily distracted may also appreciate the lessons without the characters and colors.

Once your children are confidently using touch typing, they can also take a typing test on TypeDojo. There’s choices of a 1 minute, 3 minute, or 5 minute test.

Check out this video to learn more about touch typing with KidzType.

Touch typing is an important skill for kids to learn as computers are everywhere. Typing sites like KidzType and TypeDojo allow kids to learn these skills through fun typing games. As a busy homeschool mom, you don’t need to spend time planning even more lessons to teach typing. Instead, let these fun typing sites work for you and teach your kids touch typing through free typing games and practices. Your kids learn to touch type, and you get to keep your homeschool day simplified.

I’m a homeschooling mom of 4, from elementary to college. Homeschooling can be overwhelming, but I believe you can simplify your homeschool day so it’s manageable and enjoyable.


I’m a homeschooling mom of 4, from elementary to college. Homeschooling can be overwhelming, but I believe you can simplify your homeschool day so it’s manageable and enjoyable.

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