Introducing Measurement with Dr. Seuss’ The Foot Book

Toddlers and preschoolers will love learning about measurement after reading Dr. Seuss’ The Foot Book.

Dr. Seuss. The name alone brings a smile to your face as you picture your favorite Dr. Seuss book in your head. The illustrations, the rhymes, and the wacky characters all perfectly combine to create unforgettable books.

We have lots of Dr. Seuss books around our house. When I read one, I find it fun to add in a few related activities afterwards. Recently my little one pulled out The Foot Book and my mind immediately went to measurement.

Introduce Measurement with Dr. Seuss' The Foot Book

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Using Dr. Seuss’ The Foot Book to Introduce Measurement

When you are teaching preschool at home, activities like these are the perfect way to help your preschooler develop important skills in a fun, interactive way.

First, you’ll want to read The Foot Book to your child. If your little one is learning to read, this is a fairly easy book to sound out some words. So they might want to read a few words to you.

As you read this book, you can point out some of the types of feet mentioned throughout the book. This is a good way to observe comprehension skills. You can also talk about the opposites shown in the book.

Reading Dr. Seuss The Foot Book

Measurement Activities to Follow The Foot Book

After you finish reading the book, trace one of your feet and one of your child’s on a piece of construction paper and cut them out. You will use these foot cutouts in each of the following measurement activities.

Using Manipulatives for Measurement

Measuring with Links

Measuring a Foot with Links with Dr. Seuss The Foot Book

The first couple of activities will use math manipulatives to measure your foot cutouts. I used Link ‘N Learn Links for this activity, but you can use any manipulatives you have, even coins. If you use the links, link them together until the chains are the size of each foot. Then count the number of links used.

Measuring with MathLink Cubes

Measuring a Foot with Cubes with Dr. Seuss The Foot Book

Next, we used the Learning Resources MathLink Cubes to measure the cutouts of our feet. Again, any kind of counters can be used as long as they are the same size measurement. Count how many cubes long your feet are. You can also compare the amount of cubes you used to the amount of links for each foot.

Using Feet as Tape Measure

Measuring with a Foot Cutout with Dr. Seuss The Foot Book
Measuring with a Foot Cutout with Dr. Seuss The Foot Book

This last activity will be a favorite! After measuring the length of your feet using manipulatives, use your feet as the ruler. You and your child will each go around the house to find objects that closely match the length of your feet. My son enjoyed this activity so much. He ran through room after room to see what matched.

Does your child love numbers? Then they’ll really enjoy coloring their own Book of Numbers. Get this free when you join the Homeschooling in Progress email community. Along with this printable booklet, you’ll also receive homeschooling tips, ideas, and activities to simplify your day.

Linking activities with literature is a wonderful way to share a love of learning with our children, while also teaching new concepts. The activities shared here are a gentle introduction to the concept of measurement.

Toddlers and preschoolers are not going to understand abstract concepts such as inches and yards, but they do recognize concrete objects like their own feet and math manipulatives. Young children learn through their senses. They will retain the memory of holding these items in their hands and comparing lengths side by side. So by the time they are ready for more abstract measurements, the building blocks of the concept will already be there.

If your child enjoys activities like this, then you may want to set up some sensory bins as well to give them hands-on activities they can enjoy on their own.

Can’t get enough Dr. Seuss? Check out these additional activities for more fun.

Introduce Measurement with Dr. Seuss' The Foot Book

Hi, I’m Christy!

I’m a homeschooling mom of 4, from preschool to high school. Homeschooling can be overwhelming, but I believe you can simplify your homeschool day so it’s manageable and enjoyable. When you join the Homeschooling in Progress community, you’ll learn ways to simplify your homeschool through emailed tips PLUS receive 5 Easy Steps to Create a Simple Routine for Productive Homeschool Days guide so you can start simplifying your homeschool today!

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